links for 2009-09-21

  • "…we've heard from some of our users that the way we displayed these blogs in Google News was not very clear. To address this, we're now visibly marking articles published on a news blog with a "(blog)" label attached to the publication's name. "
    (tags: journalism)
  • "Many of the sites in these exchanges use multiple layers of I-frames, which further complicated efforts to track campaigns. Sites are able to hide fraudulent traffic behind numerous layers of nested I-frames, leaving advertisers blind to in-view data, according to the study. "
  • The current pace of innovation in online display advertising is unprecedented, and the bulk of it is focused on the non-premium space: Demand side networks, ad exchanges, data exchanges, and the emerging infrastructure to accommodate real-time bidding are pushing us to the brink of an entirely new paradigm.
  • (tags: tools)
  • As one of the longest-serving regional editors in the UK, Horrocks was editor when the MEN set up its integrated multimedia newsroom and when pioneered its part-paid, part-free strategy that saw copies of the paper given out for free in Manchester city centre.
    (tags: regional)
  • What Facebook announced on Friday afternoon was that it had come to an agreement over that lawsuit – with proposals that would see two things happen if a judge in San Jose approves the settlement. Those things are:
    – That Beacon will close down entirely (it is still running at the moment)
    – That Facebook will put forward $9.5m to settle the case, with the money used to create a foundation "to benefit internet users" – by which it means funding online privacy and security initiatives.
  • "It is often said that if you want to know what the technology trends of a few years hence will be, watch teenagers. But if you want to find out how you're going to be working in a few years' time, watch the technology journalists" <— or web development editors?! 🙂
  • "…news sites should be doing more to incorporate such features into their daily news stories so that users can make the most of real-time updates.
    (tags: journalism)
  • "Being there and being accurate are how journalistic credibility is brought to the social media ocean. Yet many legacy media have fallen behind in delivering this one-two punch combination. While it’s a given that there will always be a need for reliable verification, what must be better understood is how people seek out news and information and how they learn through their use of social media."
  • "When Google Wave was announced, I got all jittery-happy about the possibilities it presented for news. Now, from a Belgian site, via a German site, I find a video interview with Wave’s project manager, Stephanie Hannon, speculating about its use in news:"
  • "Now that the medium is evaporating, publishers have nothing left to sell. Some seem to think they're going to sell content—that they were always in the content business, really. But they weren't, and it's unclear whether anyone could be."
  • "Realizing that it's better to swim with the stream than against it, MySpace has just turned on two-way sync with Twitter. MySpace status updates can now be sent to Twitter and shared with all of your followers there, and Twitter updates can appear in your MySpace activity stream as well. "
  • "So is employment the measure of news? No. Is it the proper measure for every industry? Not necessarily. Is it the measure of the economy? Not as much as it used to be. Media is becoming the first major post-industry. Others will follow. You just have to know where to look. "
  • "…in the new media age transparency is what delivers trust. He stressed that news today still has to be accurate and fair, but it is as important for the readers, listeners and viewers to see how the news is produced, where the information comes from, and how it works. The emergence of news is as important, as the delivering of the news itself."
  • "Murdoch has confronted and overcome orthodoxy throughout his career. In so doing, he has always stressed that he has defeated "the establishment" on behalf of "the people" (the audience, the readers, the viewers). His mantra: I am giving the people what they want.
    This time, by contrast, he appears to be flying in the face of peoples' wishes. He is taking away from them what they want."
  • "The AmeriKat does not believe, that under the fourth factor of the fair-use test, a newspaper could actually prove that hyper-linking to their content affects the potential market value of the work. Surely Posner’s suggestion in protecting the print media by copyright would in fact have the effect as acting as an improper prior restraint in chilling freedom of expression and would therefore violate the Copyright Clause in ‘promot[ing] the Progress of Science and useful Arts.”
    (tags: Law copyright)
  • "…the Google proposal envisions aggregating journalistic content into a subscription service that offers flexible packages to users, with "one-time sign-in" so you don't have to pay for each newspaper, magazine, or article individually, as well as options for micropayments for add-on content outside the basic subscription. Google would take 30% off the top, and the content providers get the rest."
  • "That is why newspapers are finding it hard to charge for content: they haven’t done it for so long they’ve forgotten how it’s done."
  • "Another thing that seems to escape many journalists is the direct connection between their own indifference to interacting with readers and the parlous state of their comments. If my research has taught me anything — not to mention writing columns and a blog for 15 years — it is that the surest way to improve the tone of the debate in forums or comments is to get involved in them."

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