Tweeting my stories

Well now I have my shiny new laptop sitting next to me all day (review to come), I thought I’d start playing around with the fun stuff.

I’m going to start tweeting about what I’m working on. When I know what the main story is I’m going to work on each day, I’ll tweet about it. That way it might allow folks who can and want to shed light on the topic to do so.

Will it work? No idea! I haven’t got many followers at the moment. But I’ve already started with today’s job: a story on energy.

6 thoughts on “Tweeting my stories

  1. It’s a good idea, i’ve been doing that with my work, can run the twitter link as a feed on your website, let visitors know what you’ve been up to at work recently

  2. That’s an interesting idea. Unfortunately, I don’t think my freebie WordPress account allows for that particular widget.

  3. Just run it as an RSS feed of your twitter page/account in your blog sidebar somewhere, that’s what I did for mine. Service seems a little bit intermittent, but it’s up there at the moment, top left on the website, as “where’s tom”, have a look. Might be a bit easier on my because I’ve got a 3-column thing going on so I’ve got more space for widgets, but we’re running exactly the same software, so sure you could sort something out if you wanted

  4. Why thank you Mr Tomfromthepost! Hope you’re enjoying your holiday.

    It works, but you’re right it’s not a pretty thing. I will have to keep that in mind when I update it!

  5. Lol! I wish Is!

    Unfortunately my cycling talents extend only about seven miles each way to the city centre (we’re based in Colmore Square at the mo) and back!

    I would love to be fit enough to cycle to the Fort when we move, although even if I was I’m a bit dubious about the safety of the route.

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